WIP musings 5
Wow!! Where has the past 8 months gone? It's gonna be September in a few days.
A quick catch up is in order.
I have been taking the past 8 months really slowly, doing everything at my own pace up until the start of August when I had to start picking up pace for all the things lined up.
I did a few Virtual Shows however, it wasn't much and still lacked the community feeling. So, I'm very much looking forward to be attending Perth Festival of Yarn on 11th - 12th September. A place that I can meet new and old friends.
There has been a lot of tasks that needed my attention which drained me of energy. I shan't bore you will all the encounters I've had.
Over the past 3 weeks I've been knitting a sample shawl for a fellow Indie Dyer. The shawl is (was) the mystery brioche shawl by Susanne Sommers. It requires a bit of attention at some parts of the pattern. Last night, I just about got through an epic row of bobbles so onto the home stretch of that section.
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: below shows a shawl that is three quarters knitted in dark purples and softer pinks with a flash of neon on the white stripes. The pattern shows off some brioche knitting on a garter stitch background with a row of bobbles near the knitting cables. There is a hand holding the shawl on the top left corner as it rests on top of a duvet cover.]

Other than that, I have been cross stitching quite a bit too. To say I've fallen back in love is an understatement. The piece I've shown is a Heaven and Earth Designs pattern, it's called Farewell to Anger by Leonid Afremov.
[image description below: a cross stitch piece that has bursts of colour all over the piece. The fabric is held in a frame with a grime guard cover.]
